National Geographic Recognizes OTC Oral Contraceptive Opill as a Key Medical Breakthrough in 2024

Categories: OTC Products, News

“A birth control pill without a prescription”

“This year the first-ever birth control pill became available in the United States without a prescription. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved the daily oral medication, Opill, last year and it is now available to anyone regardless of age, insurance coverage, or whether they’ve seen a doctor (Birth control options for men are advancing too. Here’s how they work.) Unlike regular combination birth control pills that contain two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, Opill contains only progestin, a synthetic mimic of progesterone. Progestin-only pills, or the “minipills,” generally have fewer side effects and can even be taken by those who are breastfeeding, have high blood pressure, or have a history of blood clots.”